Plan a special senior citizen trip….
Enjoy your free time to visit far-off countries

Travel for senior
enjoy river cruises, hiking or historic city tours full of art and culture.

Destinations for senior citizens
Themed destinations are favoured by older people…

Holidays together as a family
Combine family holidays and time for yourself at rest. Enjoy water cures or balneotherapy….

Travelling with Tourism National Association
The National Associations of Tourism administers the program: senior citizens on vacation.

Travel agencies
Travel agencies can organize a trip corresponding to your desires: find the tailor-made trip which meets your expectations.

Because we all love traveling

Holidays for senior citizens
Everyone deserves an unforgettable holiday.

Say goodbye to the routine
Avoid loneliness and live life to the full! Go on holiday all the time.

Holiday options
The Senior citizen Vacation Program is a new idea to help seniors enjoy their holidays as much as possible.
Enjoy a faraway trip and get back a taste for life!

Senior Vacation Program
This program aims at reducing autonomy loss for the older. Thanks to this program, they will enjoy recreational and physical activities and meet new people. It is also an easy to travel despite low incomes.

It is always recommended to organize your holidays in advance. As far as the accommodation is concerned, you have the choice between holiday villages, secondary residence etc. Find some tips and advice to learn how to book your holiday accommodation.